Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hydrocarbon Domination

We could see where our most oil and gas reserves based on the largest O&G companies. 
But it's not always true where else many companies are taking the benefit from the other countries as wells in order to ensure their sustainability. And for that purpose, every country has their own regulation in order to allow such global companies to operate in a manner that suits the geological/political/economical aspect. 

     We take Qatar for example, economically it is showing a good growth in this recent years. As one of the OPEC members, it play a big role in determining the hydrocarbon economic environment. But instead of its good relationship with U.S. based companies, it states that foreign company would have to establish a jointventure with its partners plus limiting foreign ownership to not exceeding 49% of equity. While for companies to operate in country like Cuba, it would require non U.S. patented equipment to be bring in or they've allowed only certain pantenting percentage. As we would know, U.S. as well has put economic embargo on Cuba since 1960. Thus we could conclude that each country has their own regulation that need to be imposed in order to sustain own benefit in addition.

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